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Zuma Deluxe 2. Rating: -control: by mouse. Zuma. Sun Town. Rolling Ball. Fairy Town. It is the most famous and popular version of the online game. Classical Zuma will always remain a favorite one for many players. It has beautiful graphics, lots of exciting levels, and a simple and clear system of bonuses. A stone frog will be in the center of the screen and it will keep the balls. Using these Zuma Deluxe - free Zuma game online Zuma Deluxe is a good old online game that has its origins in 2003. The meaning of the game is to prevent the penetration of balls of different colors into the Gold skull. These balls are steadily moving in its direction along a spiral trajectory. The balls are destroyed by other balls of different colors that are emitted from the Frog, located Télécharger Zuma Deluxe (gratuit) - Comment Ça Marche Zuma Deluxe est un jeu destiné aux passionnés des jeux d'action. Il s'agit d'un jeu où un bon réflexe de l'utilisateur est de rigueur pour réussir tous les niveaux. Le personnage principal Zuma Deluxe Download (2020 Latest) for Windows …
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